How Much Does it Cost to Seal Leaky Ducts and Keep Your Home Energy Efficient?

When it comes to keeping your home energy-efficient and saving money, sealing your air ducts is an investment that pays off in the long run. A contractor must evaluate the areas where sealing is necessary and use the appropriate method, such as rigid foam panels, spray foam, aluminum tape, sealing putty, or caulking agents. An energy audit can help identify areas that are prone to air leaks, such as the attic, insulation, electrical outlets, and switch plates. Sealing these areas with spray foam or foam gaskets can help prevent air from escaping. Sealing air ducts with adhesive tape or a paintable sealing product like Mastic can help your air conditioner operate more efficiently and prevent it from leaking.

The cost of duct sealing depends on how much time a technician spends in your home checking the ducts and how much sealant is needed. Aeroseal is an efficient option that seals your ducts properly without cutting walls or paying for custom-cut metal sheets. In order to keep your home energy-efficient and save money in the long run, it's important to consider the cost of sealing air ducts as an investment rather than an expense. The cost of sealing air ducts depends on the size of the area that needs to be sealed and the type of sealant used. A contractor can evaluate the areas where sealing is necessary and use the appropriate method to seal them.

Aeroseal is an efficient option that seals your ducts properly without cutting walls or paying for custom-cut metal sheets. The cost of Aeroseal depends on how much time a technician spends in your home checking the ducts and how much sealant is needed. In conclusion, sealing your air ducts is an investment that will help keep your home energy-efficient, save you money, and provide many other benefits. It's important to consider the cost of sealing air ducts as an investment and not as an expense.

Sarah Jonak
Sarah Jonak

Hardcore internet junkie. Total beer evangelist. Devoted student. Subtly charming food guru. Avid pop culture aficionado. Professional zombie geek.

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